discover your new journey.

If you're a product creator or service provider, it's time to embrace your new journey!

Are you a female founder with a passion for an idea, ready to bring it to the world? Still refining your vision and seeking like-minded women to share it with? Struggling with the fear of selling and need guidance?

I help women uncover their passions and turn them into a fulfilling reality!



what lights you up

Whether you're exploring your next career journey or you want strategies on how to live a more fulfilling life incorporating your passions, I have  20 + years of experience working in various industries and can help you determine the best fit!    

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Emily A.
Working with Sandy was a strictly positive experience. She motivated and challenged me, gave helpful feedback and suggestions, and always focused on next steps and action steps. Working with Sandy was like talking with a friend, but better!
5 / 5 stars

Meet the Founder

Sandy Kay

Sandy Kay has spent her career working with some of the most well-respected brands in wellness and natural products. She has helped to scale brands on a national level and has served in various career roles. Throughout her career, she has held various sales management roles within organizations and touched multiple retail partners.     

My Story

Begin exploring your "why"

reach out.

I help women discover their soul-designed gifts and transition into a fulfilling life.  

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